Saturday, June 23, 2012

Branch Farm CSA basket

This year we are happy to have our very first Branch Farm CSA. CSA stands for community supported agriculture. It's basically a group of people whom commit a certain amount of money and time to support a local farm and in return you get a share of what that farm produces.
This is a picture of one of our baskets before a customer came to pick up on Friday. We hand-out five baskets each week. Next year we plan to double and have five more families. The containers that we sell are filled with all the fresh vegetables that we have out of the garden that week. The baskets above is filled on the bottom with 16 squash and 10 zucchini and on top we have four cucumbers, four green bell peppers, six jalapenos, and a few cayenne peppers are to the right side. In the next few weeks we will add green beans, corn, cantalopes, watermelons, and lots of peas! If you are interested in joining our CSA group or have any questions please send an email to me!

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