One of our Dominique roosters has finally meet his match. That match just so happens to be Farmer D. After a short weekend getaway we discovered that this here rooster had beau-ed up at our niece and attempted to jump on her while they were helping tend to the animals. This comes after many attempts to spur Little Miss E and myself. This rooster is super protective of his flock and doesn't like intruders of any kind.... even those who feed him it seems. We understand that he is doing his job but with two other rooster around who mind their own business is quite easy to see who the trouble maker is. I have been begging Farmer D to give him the ax but he has been reluctant till tonight that is....
This afternoon Farmer D and miss E and I were all at the farm making our rounds. Dapper Dan was as usual making lots of noise crowing and such. This used to be music to Farmer D's ears but be was very annoyed tonight by it and quickly tried to quiet him. After many attempts by Farmer D to scare Dapper Dan away he finally fought back. It was quite funny to see Farmer D with miss E in hand running after Dapper Dan trying to kick him and yelling at him all at the same time.
Not shortly after Farmer D pulled a knife from his truck and when for Dapper Dan. All it took was one attempt to challenge Farmer D and he had had enough. I have endured weeks of attempted attacks and got only a "well you gotta watch them Rooster you know".
Dapper Dan was probably the prettiest rooster in our bunch but by far the meanest so he's gotta go!